Friday, May 1, 2015

Vietnam War

Prompt: Examine the Vietnam War through the eyes of American civilians. Summarize how many Americans felt about American involvement in the War and how they made their opinions known. Were protests concerning the Vietnam War legitimate, or were their actions un-American?

1. Write one blog post responding to all of the questions in the prompt. Your response must be at least two paragraphs long and include supporting evidence and details to bolster your opinions.

2. Write two comments responding to the posts of your classmate. You must write two total comments, each one on a different classmate's original post. Each comment must be well developed and address the assertions made by your classmates. Each comment must be one paragraph in length.

Due Date: Friday, May 15th.


  1. The 1960's were a very trying time in American contemporary history. There was various demanding issues that required social and political fixing to heed and help ease the issues in modern America. The reoccurring and current issues were. Rioting, Civil Rights, Economic fluctuations, Communist scare and containment, Woman Liberation, and various other like the Vietnam war; the Vietnam war was a very stressful and strenuous situation that hindered political and social gains in the 60's.
    The Vietnam war was an extremely unpopular war. It was unpopular for various reasons. First, unfair treatment was given to black soldiers. This struck a chord for social-political Black civil rights movements in the 60's. Second, many young men were required to die for a cause that was not a "clear" reason. Draft and the credibility gap, as well as rioting helped misled and lose support of the already "unclear" war. Finally, the Vietnam war was a very violent and costly war. As aforementioned it costed many young Americans their life, as well as money and supplies. The American government spent billions to wage the "unpopular war." The Vietnam war, should have been called the bare fruit war because no actual things were gained or significant (to the American People.)
    All in all the Vietnam war strained the american society. It lead to various issues and was an outrageously long war. The Vietnam war tried society and politics pushing them to new heights that toady affect all of guys in some shape form or fashion.

    1. I totally agree with you Vietnam War was a costly one, and at that time people didn't see a much Clear reason for it

    2. Yes mike i agree that all the Vietnam war strained the american society. It lead to various issues that nobody knew how to solve it took alot of diffrent strategies for them to actually end the war and it took quite a while for them to do it

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  3. Americans felt that the Vietnam War was a waste of time, money, and a lot of people's life dying in vain. Americans made their opinion know throughout protests, since the Vietnam War was the first televisioned war, didn't last long enough for people to know the true facts about this absurd war, people called it a absurd war because they were counting the victories based on killing number.The efforts of the government trying to hide these facts were not successful, but people really got upset because there were other most important events going on in America at this time period than the Vietnam War for example president elections, the civil rights etc. Therefore people started to argue why the government could not take care of these issues first that foreign issues.

    1. To Carlos
      Carlos I agree with you, you point out some good points. You are right the people found out the right facts about war while they saw it on tv. Good job friend keep it up

    2. To Carlos

      The way Americans die in vain and how this war was known as a pointless war. Shows us how unfair it was back then and the president not backing out after so many of our soldiers died make the president be viewed really bad. The points you make are really good I compleatly agree with you

  4. I concur with your argument. The Vietnam war in television showcased the violent nature that war provokes. It demonstrated to Americans why war was such a negative thing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes, the war was unpopular for many reasons to Americans... Unbelievable; but you know, that is why War is no longer available on the news.

    1. Yes i agree the war was so unpopular for several reasons one of the main reasons was because of the death toll and when people seen it it was soo graphic that it shocked many people and it broked their hearts to see other people die even their friends or relatives the vietnam war was the biggest war and the most unpopular because of it

  7. ^ That is to Mike;

    To Carlos:
    The fact that the Government hid everything from Americans was terrible; moreo over the deaths were a tragedy, they did die in vain because we did not win, nor win the war, and we also backed out without gaining land; without gaining points.

  8. The Vietnam war was an extremely unpopular war in America. American soldiers got involved at first as "advisers" to the South Vietnamese but that shortly turned into them being soldiers in the war. When the war began American soldiers were signing up to be in the war, but as the war progressed more American males were being drafted than ever before. American civilians had every right to be mad & or angry with the war in Vietnam, the public was fed lies by the government & shown reality on their televisions every night, this created the credibility gap. So at this point in time Americans had every right to shown anger & start their protests, it is part of their right... freedom of speech.

    On the other hand the American public went WAY too far when the soldiers (most of them being draftees) returned home. Riots broke out & soldiers were beaten, yelled at, shunned, & hated by many, many people. These men who thought they just fought for their country, were being torn down by their country. This is when the American public crossed the line. The government may have deserved the protests because of the constant lies they told, but the soldiers definitely did not.

  9. To Mike;
    I agree 100%. The credibility gap was a big part of the protesting, as I stated in my response as well.

  10. To Carlos; I somewhat agree with what you had to say. I understand how people were upset over other issues going on in the U.S. but in my opinion, I would say they were more upset over the lies they were told. Of course they were blind at first but than they started seeing what was really happening from their televisions.

  11. The Vietnam War was unpopular in the eyes of Americans. America had just gone through the Cold War, so being informed that there was another war in Vietnam was not what Americans wanted to hear. If America did not defend themselves properly, the domino theory would have taken place and America could have potentially became communist. Many young American men were being drafted into the war and served as advisors. America had to protest against the war, and America did protest in a variety of ways. For example, many would tear or burn their draft papers to prove they were against the war.

    When America returned from the war, many riots were starting. This was very unnecessary because America had no choice in the war unless they wanted to be taken over. If American soldiers did not protest or fight, the war probably would not have had the same outcome.

  12. To Kerry: I completely agree with your response. America did what they needed to do for their country and should not have been torn down by fellow Americans after returning home from war.

  13. To Mike: I definitely agree. The Vietnam war was a very strained time in history for America. And the credibility gap was very significant in American history as well.

  14. The war in Vietnam was the first war that became unpopular. Everyone believed in the government and the country wasn jot in its most greatest point. At that time we have lost many important people, John F Kennedy, Martín Luther King and Robert.F kennedy. People is sacred with all that is happening at this point. The was become unpopular because people will watch videos and pictures of how is the war what are the soldiers living in Vietnam, they will see it all day. When this happens men don't want to go like before in WWII. Men are being drafted and now youth men also are being drafted. What image are getting g from the U.S? is this our war? Why we have to risk our soldiers?. Also the war us not counted by territory or land gained is by death. This is also a factor why the war is being unpopular.
    first we don not even know if Vietnam wants to be communist or not. We should get involved unless Vietnam is planning to attack the world, they might just want to be communist because the country could work better, we don't know what is Vietnam's intension, we go into war because of believes we don't actually something that tells us the intension of Vietnam being communist. We are also a tacking villages that are unarmed, inocente people, we don't know the land, even worse we think South Vietnam is against communist but its not, we are sending american soldiers to fight for a country that doesn't know what it wants. The government also had two faces, one that it told us we are winning the and I he war will end soon, the other face is trying to get more men to war because we don't know how long its going to take to have a final victory. The worst part is that soldiers that are being drafted when they come back they are not very welcome, people are telling them murders not respecting what they have done but they didn't want to do it that were obligated to do that, they risk they lives and they are not welcome. At the end the war is over, but now what did we achieve, we didn't make Vietnam anticommunist that was our goal and we did not achieve what we did was just send people to achieve nothing. Later on war will come more unpopular and people will not believe anymore in the government. Rest in peace to those soldiers who fought for their country

  15. To Sam:
    I agree that men will do anything to not being sent to war. Also that we just fought the cold war and now more war we were weak.

  16. To Carlos:
    I completely agree with you why the war became so unpopular. And how Americans felt in the war and how was the war being counted by death instead of land that was gained.

  17. At the beginning the United States was looking forward to help because it was a fight against communism. The United States had a strong believe of the Eisenhower domino theory, which is the fear of the communism from spreading. Many Americans believed that this war was going to be easy war because they had a superior power. A turning point in the war was in 1968 with the Tet offensive, which is a major win for the United States in the war but it was a lost in the politically because many Americans felt demoralized because they saw no point of the war any more because president Johnson was lien to them. The way Americans showed there anger was through groups such as the hippies, feminist, and radicals. These groups organized protests parades and speeches all which depicted Americas unwillingness to keep fighting the war.
